Why is Liberty University Graduation Rate So Low?

Why is Liberty University Graduation Rate So Low?

Graduation rates are a critical metric for evaluating the success and efficiency of educational institutions. A low graduation rate can indicate various underlying issues that affect student retention and completion. Liberty University, a well-known private Christian university, has faced scrutiny regarding its graduation rates. This article delves into the reasons behind Liberty University’s low graduation rate, exploring factors such as student demographics, institutional policies, academic support, financial considerations, and more.

Introduction to Liberty University

About Liberty University

Liberty University, located in Lynchburg, Virginia, was founded in 1971 by Dr. Jerry Falwell. It is one of the largest Christian universities in the world, offering a wide range of undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral programs both on-campus and online. Liberty University is known for its commitment to integrating faith and education, promoting Christian values, and providing flexible learning options.

Significance of Graduation Rates

Graduation rates are an essential indicator of a university’s performance and effectiveness in guiding students towards completing their degrees. A low graduation rate can reflect negatively on an institution, affecting its reputation, funding, and ability to attract new students. Understanding the factors that contribute to a low graduation rate is crucial for implementing strategies to improve student success.

Factors Contributing to Low Graduation Rates

Student Demographics and Background

Diverse Student Population

Liberty University attracts a diverse student body, including traditional and non-traditional students, military personnel, working adults, and international students. This diversity can impact graduation rates as each group faces unique challenges that can affect their ability to complete their degrees.

Non-Traditional Students

Non-traditional students, such as those who are older, have families, or are employed full-time, often have additional responsibilities that can interfere with their academic progress. Balancing work, family, and school can be particularly challenging, leading to lower graduation rates among this demographic.

Academic Preparedness

Variability in Academic Backgrounds

Students at Liberty University come from various academic backgrounds, including those who may not be fully prepared for the rigors of higher education. Students with weaker academic foundations might struggle with college-level coursework, leading to higher dropout rates.

Remedial Education

To address gaps in academic preparedness, Liberty University offers remedial courses. However, students placed in remedial classes often face a longer path to graduation, which can contribute to lower overall graduation rates.

Institutional Policies and Practices

Enrollment Policies

Liberty University’s open enrollment policies make higher education accessible to a broader range of students. While this inclusivity is commendable, it also means that students with varying levels of academic readiness are admitted, which can impact graduation rates.

Online Education

Liberty University is a leader in online education, offering numerous degree programs through its online platform. While online education provides flexibility, it also presents challenges such as lower engagement and higher dropout rates compared to traditional on-campus programs.

Financial Considerations

Cost of Education

The cost of education is a significant factor influencing graduation rates. While Liberty University offers financial aid and scholarships, the overall expense of higher education can be a barrier for many students. Financial difficulties can lead to interruptions in studies or complete withdrawal from the university.

Financial Aid and Support

Effective management of financial aid is crucial for student retention. Delays or issues with financial aid disbursement can create stress and uncertainty, causing students to drop out before completing their degrees.

Support Services and Resources

Academic Advising

Academic advising plays a vital role in student success. Inadequate or inconsistent advising can lead to poor course selection, delayed graduation, and increased dropout rates. Ensuring that students receive regular and effective advising is essential for improving graduation rates.

Tutoring and Academic Support

Access to tutoring and other academic support services can help students overcome academic challenges. A lack of sufficient support services can negatively impact students’ ability to succeed in their courses, contributing to higher dropout rates.

Strategies for Improving Graduation Rates

Enhanced Academic Support

Strengthening Tutoring Services

Expanding tutoring services and making them more accessible can help students who are struggling academically. Providing targeted support for difficult courses and offering both in-person and online tutoring options can be beneficial.

Improving Advising

Enhancing the quality and consistency of academic advising can ensure that students stay on track with their degree plans. Implementing mandatory advising sessions and using data analytics to identify students at risk of dropping out can improve retention.

Financial Aid Optimization

Streamlining Financial Aid Processes

Improving the efficiency and transparency of financial aid processes can reduce stress and uncertainty for students. Ensuring timely disbursement of funds and providing clear information about financial aid options can help students manage their finances better.

Increasing Scholarships and Grants

Expanding the availability of scholarships and grants can make higher education more affordable. Targeting financial aid towards students with the greatest need can reduce dropout rates and support student retention.

Engagement and Community Building

Enhancing Student Engagement

Creating opportunities for students to engage with the campus community can foster a sense of belonging and commitment to their education. Organizing events, student organizations, and extracurricular activities can enhance the student experience.

Building a Supportive Online Community

For online students, building a strong online community is crucial. Providing platforms for interaction, virtual events, and online support services can help online learners feel connected and supported.

Targeted Support for Non-Traditional Students

Flexible Scheduling

Offering flexible scheduling options, such as evening and weekend classes, can accommodate the needs of non-traditional students. Providing online and hybrid course options can also support students with busy schedules.

Family and Work-Life Balance Support

Providing resources and support for balancing family and work responsibilities can help non-traditional students succeed. This can include offering childcare services, counseling, and time management workshops.

Case Studies and Success Stories

Successful Initiatives at Liberty University

Student Success Programs

Liberty University has implemented several initiatives aimed at improving student success and graduation rates. Programs such as the Liberty University Success Initiative (LUSI) focus on providing targeted support to at-risk students through mentoring, academic coaching, and personalized support plans.

Military Student Support

Liberty University has a strong commitment to supporting military students. The university offers dedicated resources, including military-specific advising, tuition discounts, and support services, which have contributed to higher retention and graduation rates among military students.

Comparisons with Similar Institutions

Benchmarking Against Peers

Comparing Liberty University’s graduation rates with those of similar institutions can provide insights into effective strategies for improving student success. Analyzing the policies and practices of institutions with higher graduation rates can help identify best practices that can be implemented at Liberty University.

Learning from High-Performing Programs

Studying the programs and initiatives of high-performing institutions can provide valuable lessons. For example, universities with strong support services, comprehensive advising programs, and robust financial aid systems often achieve higher graduation rates.


Liberty University’s low graduation rate is influenced by a variety of factors, including student demographics, academic preparedness, financial considerations, and institutional policies. Addressing these challenges requires a multifaceted approach that includes enhancing academic support, optimizing financial aid, increasing student engagement, and providing targeted support for non-traditional students. By implementing these strategies, Liberty University can improve its graduation rates and ensure that more students successfully complete their degrees.


What is the current graduation rate at Liberty University?

Liberty University’s graduation rate varies, but it is generally considered lower than the national average for similar institutions.

How do student demographics affect the graduation rate at Liberty University?

Liberty University’s diverse student body, including non-traditional and online students, face unique challenges that can impact their ability to complete their degrees on time.

What role does financial aid play in Liberty University’s graduation rate?

Financial difficulties and delays in financial aid disbursement can lead to interruptions in studies or dropouts, affecting the overall graduation rate.

How does the academic preparedness of incoming students influence graduation rates?

Students with weaker academic backgrounds may struggle with college-level coursework, leading to higher dropout rates and a lower graduation rate overall.

What support services does Liberty University offer to improve graduation rates?

Liberty University provides academic advising, tutoring, financial aid assistance, and targeted support programs for at-risk students to help improve retention and graduation rates.

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